Maps and help finding a place to camp
Maps of the Adirondacks and Catskills can be downloaded, or are available from DEC central and regional offices.
- Adirondack Park maps (PDF) 4.78 MB
Paper maps are available from DEC’s Ray brook office (518) 897-1276, Watertown Office (315) 785-2263, or Central Office in Albany (518-473-9518) - Catskill Park map (PDF) 3.78 MB
Paper maps are available from DEC’s New Paltz office (845-256-3033), Schenectady Office (518-357-2068) or Central Office in Albany (518-473-9518)
If you have a particular region in mind, try the Places To Go pages, which provide descriptions of individual properties. For recommendations, contact the forester or Lands and Forests staff person in the regional DEC office nearest to where you’d like to go.