February 8th, 2022
These are the conditions as of Tuesday night…
The biggest change since my last lake report is that the water level is down just a little over 4 feet. This has caused a lot of the natural features such as rocks, stumps, and islands to poke up through the ice.
You will notice this most in stump alley. It was fairly flat there, but now the ice has followed the shoreline so there is dips and dives through there. Also a couple holes, (that have dirt under them not open water) and crevasses. Anthony Lanzi has marked most of the big ones with poles and reflectors that show up great at night. Don’t forget to stop up to Sport Island have a GSL juice and thank him for that.
Basically now through stump alley your riding on land with a layer of broken ice over it, slow down through here and you will be fine.
Two other spots that have changed a lot from low water are the area around Sport Island. The Broadalbin side has it’s normal drop off, and the chain of islands that start poking through on the opposite side heading towards Mayfield. And of course the Trap islands are sticking up quite a ways now down by Beacon Island aka Yacht Island. Just slow down in these areas and you will be fine.
On The positive side the heaves have settled down a lot.
Also the HRBRRD is only releasing about the same amount that is coming in now, so the lake level has stayed about the same for the last 7 days, and should for the rest of the season.
The least amount of ice is 15″ with some spots up to 22″.
No slush for the snowmobiles plenty of lube, but wheeled vehicles may find some slush under the snow in spots. Not enough snow to restrict wheeler’s, side X sides, or trucks. So run whatcha brung.
From Batchlerville bridge south for about 2 miles the snow is still drifted like riding a jet-ski, the same is true for the middle of the main lake too.
Other then that, the section from Sinclair Pt. to Turner Rd. is great.
slow, slow, slow a few decent Northerns last week, some small walleye, and no reports of trout, or perch. This may change with lower more stable water conditions.
Tip of the week:
Keep it factory or bring lots of belts!!! The tortoise beats the hare…